Saturday, February 16, 2008

Week 5 Reading Response

Who Should Respond? A Systematic Approach to Media Education, pages: 56-60

Well, according to this reading, there are core problems that our educational system and society need to be aware of and should be concerned with. Basically the problems revolve around ensuring that our young Americans have access to, the ability to, and have been socialized into the emeriging ethical standards that will shape their practices as participants within online communitites.

But how should this begin is the big question? It shouldn't be this daunting add-on subject that has to be crammed into the daily schedule of standards to be met. Rather media literacy should be seen as a paradigm shift that should reshape how we teach every subject. Media literacy should be tools that aid in teaching all subjects and interwoven, not a separate entity that requires teaching separate from all other subjects in our curriculum.

This is happening in some schools and after school programs, but as a whole, technology and media literacy aren't being mainstreamed into classrooms consistently. Technology needs to be consistently used in the classroom during the day, and not used strategically in afterschool programs as a way to catch up. All students need this media rich environment to beable to play, explore, network, collaborate, go through simulations, perform etc..

Schools have to start making this a priority and start "doing" rather than just "talking!"

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